Dr. Serkan Toto currently works as the first and only Asia-based writer for the TechCrunch network, mainly covering Japan-related technology and web companies for TechCrunch, CrunchGear and MobileCrunch. Serkan also works full-time as an independent web and mobile industry consultant with a focus on the Japanese market. He is sept-lingual, holds an MBA and is a PhD in economics. Serkan... ? Learn More

That horrible 3DS cradle Nintendo showed during the Nintendo 3DS Conference 2011 [JP] today wasn’t the only official hardware-related announcement of the show: big N also took the wraps off a very special new 3DS version, the so-called 3DS in “Misty Pink”. Various Gameboy and DS models have seen pink special editions already, so Nintendo is continuing a tradition here.
But the real reason is that Nintendo wants to woo female gamers with the pink 3DS: according to Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, the ratio of female 3DS users is well below 50% currently, while it stands at 50% for the Wii and a bit more than that for the DS (in Japan, at least).
Nintendo plans to roll out the 3DS Misty Pink in its home market on October 15 for the same price as the regular models (15,000 Yen/US$195). During the conference, Iwata didn’t talk about international sales plans.
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